REGISTERING FOR CLASSES: Class openings will be posted at as they become available. Click on the site to see what spots are available, and what date they start. They will generally be posted about 2 weeks before the start date. Registration will be from that site and the first person to sign up with payment, gets that spot.
Once signed up, you will receive an email with further instructions.
NOTE: We are no longer keeping a waiting list.
The Stoneware Studio is a communal studio space privately owned by five partners. It adjoins the Stoneware Gallery, and together the two businesses work in a symbiotic relationship. It’s a dynamic community of students, teachers and professional potters who have practiced in this space since the foundation of both businesses in 1978. Today, its main focuses are classes, and the use of its large gas kiln.
The current studio partners are: Valerie Metcalfe, Kathryne Koop, Jennifer Johnson, Colleen Chamberlin, and Lynne Mulvihill.
Regular classes – These operate from September to June, where students pay at the beginning of each month and continue for as many consecutive months as they are interested. For some this has become years, but for others, attendance is for a few months only. Openings become available when someone quits, and new students must commit to two consecutive months as a minimum. (Click on “regular classes” link for more info.)
Summer classes – Four or five different classes are offered as an eight week session during July and August. This is a great time for new students to be introduced to throwing. (Click on “summer classes” link for more info.)